To provide a courier service on acceptable ,standard of quality and reasonable price
To participate in the process of postal policies and regulations.
To notifications of changes, suspension of services and value added services
To provide with the product and services that take in to the consideration prevailing culture social and economics situation
To provide the privacy and confidentiality as to nature and content of the services /product that an operator may obtain or handle as a result of serving a customer

To make a representations through a postal consumer consultative body to Government Regulators and services providers on masters pertaining to the services and products offered.
Will operate in comfortable place for convenience of customers, waiting room with good ventilation.
Will have the secured place for the storage of the parcels articles
Will comply with quality of service
Will negotiate in good faith and use reasonable endeavor to resolve the disputes

We have to discharge our social responsibility as under
Quality of service
Will negotiate in good faith and use reasonable endeavor to resolve the disputes
Fare competition
Will not breach a fair competition Will give the information to authority with in 15 days from the notice given
Do fair and equal treatment with out discrimination.
Privacy and confidentiality
Will sustain the policy of privacy and confidentiality
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Customer policy and disabled and elderly persons
As humanitarian grounds we have also policy to assist the disabled and elderly persons, this policy consists on
Special treatment in sense of services regarding easy access to corporate premises
To make arrangement for the collection of articles from their own area of living
Special rebate on the tariff
To arrange a comfortable and respectable environment in the corporate premises in case of visit by their own choice